
support the gaaa

Your support of GAAA is integral to the future of the organization and to the security of the profession in Georgia. Use this secure Paypal link for one-time or ongoing monthly donations which enable the organization to continue its promotion and protection of AA practice. Your donations are used toward legislative and lobbying efforts and are not tax-deductable.As a joint member of GAAA/GSA, your donations to the GSA-PAC (Political Action Committee) are critical to the mission of our organization.  All donations to the PAC are responsibly used to protect and preserve physician-led anesthesia in the state of Georgia.  PAC contributions are absolutely vital to the continued ability of our organizations to affect legislative protection.

Register with GAAA

The leadership of the GAAA works to provide information via its newsletter, facebook page, and regular emails. We want to keep all Georgia CAAs knowledgeable concerning their responsibilities and the security of their profession and the best way to stay up to date is to register today.